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Where and how to get to the festival?Dear viewers, we have prepared a Navigation map< /strong> with several landmarks to help you find your way around quickly. Would you like to find out the best way to get to the festival? Where is the main entrance gate located? Where to park? Where can you find a battlefield, a tournament arena, a marketplace or a period camp? In the navigation map, just click on the point to which you want to approach, it will already connect you to Google maps on your smartphone and they will guide you directly to the place.
What is the entrance fee? Where can I buy tickets?As we try to accommodate everyone as much as possible, we have prepared different types of entrance fees. Seniors, adults and families with children will enjoy it. You can buy tickets on the spot at Main entrance gate, or at a pre-sale discount in our Eshop. Advance ticket sales end on April 26, the day before the event at midnight. You can also buy pre-sale tickets in person at the Kladen Infocentre. We are ready to offer a special offer for bulk ticket orders, if you are interested, please contact us on phone number +420 775 075 777. You can find out details about the entrance fee on the dedicated page! .
When is the event held and what is the program?The event is held on April 27-30, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. The program starts at 10:30 a.m. every day. You can look forward to the spectacular program of the World Cup tournament in medieval contact combat, then the main point of the program continues - a spectacular medieval battle, on Sunday the program will continue when there will be a fencing tournament, a tournament in Seoul, an archery tournament, a tournament in HEMA and in the evening they will burn witch on the great border fire. You can also enjoy concerts and fire shows, fencing performances and performances by period dance groups, medieval crafts and market stalls, lots of great food and drink! You can find more about the program and timetable on the home page of our website! .
Is not it dangerous? Are there any risks?Unlike the performers, the audience is in no greater danger. If you follow the instructions of the organizer and the security services operating in the area, nothing serious can happen. Nevertheless, we would like to give you some recommendations to increase your comfort: 1) Expect cannon shots to fall during the battle, which can be particularly unpleasant for smaller children (toddlers) and some more sensitive people. In such a case, we recommend covering your ears with your fingers or earplugs and keeping your mouth open, which will reduce the effect of explosions and heavy cannon shots. 2) Take an umbrella with you, ideally a raincoat in case of bad weather. 3) We recommend that you bring a blanket or a waterproof mat, etc., because no seats will be installed in the auditorium, the auditorium is in a natural amphitheater. 4) Do not enter the battlefield during the actual battle, which will take place in the afternoon. Pyrotechnics are installed on the stage and if you move unqualifiedly on it, unaccompanied, you expose yourself to the risk of serious or serious injury or accident, for which the organizer bears no responsibility. You will be prompted by the moderator in time to leave the battlefield area. 5) If there is any threat to health, safety or a fire, please immediately inform the organizers, the security service or the emergency services designated for this. Firefighters, medical emergency services and a private security service, which is in close contact with the police, will be present at the event.
Where can I park my car?Dear viewers, we have provided you with the possibility of parking in the meadow, which you can reach from Přemyslova Street. The route to the parking lot will be marked by signs in the vicinity. We charge a parking fee of CZK 50/day. Would you like to know where to get to the parking lot? We have also prepared for you a Navigation map with several orientation points, thanks to which you can quickly find your way around. In the navigation map, just click on parking lot for spectators that you want to approach will already connect you to Google Maps on your smartphone and they will guide you directly to the location.
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